[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hi, this post is about Loyalty Points in Saral, we are going to learn how to allocate and manage Credit points, also known as loyalty points in Saral.
To begin with, Credit/loyalty points are the points that have some value and are earned by the customer during their previous purchases. Customers can utilize these points on their next purchase.
- Credit points are not applicable for Credit transactions i.e. sales made in Credit.
- Credit points are not available for Inward supplies even though in Cash mode transactions. (Purchase invoice)
- You cannot redeem credit points only to the extent available.
- We can predefine the credit points in customer ledgers as opening balance.
Now, let us learn how the Credit point’s process can be handled in Saral accounting software.
Firstly, To enable Credit points feature, go to Inventory settings under the Inventory module.
You can see the Inventory Option Settings window now. Here, select on Features tab and tick Enable Credit Points option. Click on Credit Points Configuration (displayed after enabling the option) link, to configure credit point’s allocation and its definition settings.
Now, You can see Credit Points Configuration window. Here, configure the credit point allocation and redemption process.
The parameters are as explained below:
- Effective from: Select the date from when the credit point should be made effective from.
- A lapse on Specified Date: Select the time period for Credit points to be lapsed on various time slots
- Lapse By: This option will be available only in case of above option selection. Choose Automatic or Manual (alert by software)mode to lapse the existed credit points.
- A lapse on No. of days from sale date: Specified time period for Credit points to be lapsed
- Redemption value per points (Rs.): Specify the redeem value for one credit point.
- Decimal places for points: Enter the decimal points for Credit points if applicable.
- Search On: Customer search can be done based on the customer’s Mobile No.or Card number (Loyalty Program Card).
- Earn credit points on Redeemed bill: Select if the customer can earn credit points on redeemed previous bills
Now, click on Credit point’s definition settings. In the displayed window, configure the Point allocation based on various criteria and time period.
Based on/Calculation on/Value/Points fields are interlinked, here you need to specify on which credit points and how you can derive it.
After all the configuration settings, Save the settings. After saving the configuration, go to Payment Heads tab and assign ledger for Credit Points type of Payment. You can select the ledger from the dropdown or you can create it by pressing F9.
Now, go to Sales Invoice and enter a Cash Transaction.
You can view the allocated Credit points on the invoice during the next bill generated for the same customer. To view, enter a cash transaction for the customer and click on Payment Details. You can view the total accumulated Credit points.
To redeem the points, enter the no. of points to be redeemed and the value will be auto-calculated based on the configuration done.
The remaining amount of invoice has to be paid in any other mode of payment.
For any notification on Credit Point Lapse, enable notification settings in General Settings under Master module.
Here, enable Credit Points Lapse Notification under the Notification tab. This will notify the user on the day’s credit points being lapsed.
Customer Card details (Loyalty Program Card) along with the opening balance of Credit points (if available) can be entered in Other Details of the customer ledger.
This completes the process of Credit point allocation in Saral.